Green Steel

Steel is an important cornerstone of a sustainable Europe. It is the world's most recycled material, useful in all areas of human life. Energy-intensive industries, including steel industry, will be the cornerstone of Europe's transition to a low-carbon society. But steel is already contributing to sustainability today.

We are Living Circular Economy

Steel can be recycled again and again and processed into new types of steel without any loss of quality. In this way, we produce 40% of Europe's steel. At SIJ Group, steel is produced entirely from steel scrap.

The vertical integration of our companies allows us to meet our customers' needs in a comprehensive way and, from the point of view of steel-making processes, it can be seen as a closed loop of economic management between companies focused on the collection and processing of steel scrap, the production of steel, and its processing and distribution, which also includes returning the scrap back into production.

"At SIJ Group, we recycle steel again and again

and reprocess it into new forms of steel without loss of value."

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Steel for a Green Breakthrough

With our steels and steel products, we are a reliable partner in Europe's green breakthrough. We develop and produce steels with a lower carbon footprint. We work with high-profile customers to create solutions for applications that will make a key contribution to the transition to a low carbon society.

Our products are integral to the development of:

  • e-mobility: reducing emissions through lighter car and freight vehicle construction, the use of steel to make fuel cells in electric vehicle engines, and the use of steels for electric motor cores for electric vehicle drivetrains and battery casings for electric vehicles,
  • sustainable renewable energy: building turbines to generate energy from renewable sources such as wind, water and ground heat,
  • building nuclear reactors for existing and experimental technologies, e.g. fusion, fission.